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Offering Reiki Sessions and Classes By Appointment on Tuesdays, and Saturdays

Location:  22315 7th Ave. S., Des Moines, WA.


Reiki Sessions:  $85.00 for a one-hour session

About The In-Person Reiki Sessions:

You will lay down on a massage table, fully clothed.  I place crystals, and stones onto your body, and apply light touch as I 

channel the Reiki energy.  I intuitively, and empathically read your energy field to determine where to place my hands, and where to apply the crystals on your body.  I will sometimes use healing tuning forks in the session.  I often intuitively assist you to access your inner knowing, to help you to find solutions to problem situation in your life.  I can tell if you are in your body (grounded or not), or if you are having any issues that relate to each of your chakras.  Blocked energy in your chakras contribute to problems in life, and your over-all health & well-being.

Video Recorded Reiki Session:

$40.00 for a 20 minute Reiki session that is recorded specifically, and personally for you.  You will be able to loop, and repeat the recorded session any number of times, for 4 days after receiving it via email before it is deleted.

I recommend that you Google “Chakras” to learn more about them.

Reiki is NOT a quick fix. . . It takes time to heal, so I recommend that you schedule monthly Reiki sessions.

Monthly Wellness Program Special Rate:

60 Minute Reiki Session:  $75.00

If you schedule at least one Reiki Session per month, you will qualify for this special rate.

Your 1st session will be my regular rate of $85.00, then you will pay the monthly session special rate after that.

Healing is a process that is much like the peeling of an onion. It takes time to trust your healing practitioner and to feel safe at releasing painful memories that are held in your body. Self discovery and healing that can lead to changing unwanted life situations (health, relationships, jobs etc) take time to turn around for the better as well. Because of that, I recommend that you schedule monthly appointments to continue your journey to perfect health.


Reiki Level One and Reiki Level Two Intensive Class

The Prerequisite for taking this class is that you have, at some time, received a Reiki session from any Reiki Practioner.

The class will include: 

Grounding Techniques

Description Of Reiki

Reiki for Self Healing

Reiki for Treating Others

Reiki Level One Attunement

Working with the Reiki Symbols

Reiki Distant Healing

Reiki & Crystals

Reiki Level Two Attunement

You will receive Two Reiki Certificates upon completion of this class.  One Certificate for Reiki Level One, and a second for Reiki Level Two in the Usui Ryoho Tradition of Usui Reiki.  I will also provide you with some extra healing tools that will complement this tradition of Reiki.

Cost:  $440.00

Length Of Class:  Three day, 3 hours per day class.

Class Size:  Minimum 2 Students, Maximum 4 

Deposit:  $100.00 deposit is due at the time of registration.  The balance owing is due on the day before, your first class date.

Homework:  There will be homework assigned before you begin the class, and in-between class dates.


Reiki Level Three (Master/Teacher Level)

The Prerequisite for taking this class that you first take Reiki Level Two with me, Carol Longacre, Reiki Master/Teacher

The Class Will Include:

Reiki Master Level Attunement

Review Topics for Teaching All Levels of Reiki

Learn How To Give The Reiki Attunements

Practice Working With The Reiki Master Symbols

You will channel Reiki sessions in class, and as a homework assignment.

Becoming a Reiki Teacher, and Starting a Reiki Practice

You will be a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui Shiki Ryoho Tradition of Usui Reiki upon completion of this class, but will also be given some additional Reiki Master symbols and tools that come from the Usui Tibetan Reiki Tradition of Usui Reiki.

Cost:  $440.00 

Length Of Class:  Three day, 3 hours per day class

Class Size:  Minimum 2 Students, Maximum 4

Deposit:  $100.00 deposit is due at the time of registration.  The balance owing is due on the day before your first class date.

Homework:  There will be homework assigned before you begin the class, and in-between class dates.

Carol Longacre, Reiki Master/Teacher. Offering Reiki Sessions, and Reiki Classes in Des Moines, WA.

Reiki With Carol Longacre, LLC

Des Moines, WA.

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